What's THI?
THI is a bridge between science and society. From IISLAFE, we open our doors, our laboratories and our projects to the participation of citizens. Biomedical research seeks solutions to improve people's health and we want to include the whole society in the scientific decision-making process, under the criteria of responsible research and innovation.
Who is THI?
We are researchers, personnel of scientific-technological platforms, communicators and managers of science in the hands of students, teachers, patients, social and cultural groups, professionals, companies... in short, all of us who benefit from the advances in research.
What do we do in THI?
Thanks to the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), TU HOSPITAL INVESTIGA has brought together under one brand all the activities of dissemination and participation of society. Open days, visits from different groups, meetings between patients and researchers and a call for funding for research projects in which society will play a leading role in scientific decision-making. To promote the dissemination and information of biomedical scientific activity in order to generate a favorable climate, understanding and improve the scientific culture of society.
What is IIS LA FE
The Institute for Health Research La Fe (IIS La Fe) is the area of biomedical research created between the University Hospital and Polytechnic La Fe, the University of Valencia, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, the Higher Council for Scientific Research, the Foundation for Research of the University Hospital La Fe of the Valencian Community and the IVI Foundation. It encourages, promotes and fosters research excellence, scientific and technological knowledge and its subsequent transfer to the productive sector, as well as teaching and training.